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Tendon Transfer

A functioning tendon is shifted from its original attachment to a new one to restore the action that has been lost.

Who needs Tendon Transfer Surgery?

Many different conditions can be treated by tendon transfer surgery. Tendon transfer surgery is necessary when a certain muscle function is lost because of a nerve injury. If a nerve is injured and cannot be repaired, then the nerve no longer sends signals to certain muscles. Those muscles are paralyzed and their muscle function is lost. Tendon transfer surgery can be used to attempt to replace that function. Common nerve injuries that are treated with tendon transfer surgery are spinal cord, radial nerve, ulnar nerve, or median nerve injury.
Tendon transfer surgery may also be necessary when a muscle has ruptured or been lacerated and cannot be repaired.
The muscle imbalance or muscle loss due to nervous system disease may be treated with tendon transfers. Common nervous system disorders treated with tendon transfer surgery are cerebral palsy, stroke, traumatic brain injuries, and spinal muscle atrophy.

Tendon Transfer foot foot drop

Tendon transfer is most commonly performed for foot drop patient with very good outcome with the hands of Dr Om till now